Greg DeSimone



67 – Finally! The answer for Owners who want their profits back with Greg DeSimone



79 – How to choose the RIGHT CPA for Construction with Greg DeSimone



124 – Stories! Selling a business with Greg DeSimone



I want to sell my business but HOW? (TRADE Contractors ONLY) w Greg DeSimone

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67 – Finally! The answer for Owners who want their profits back with Greg DeSimone

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, Dominic Rubino speaks with Greg DeSimone, CPA and business coach, about succession planning, making your business transferable, assessing offers, owning real estate, recurring revenue, comparative reports, what you can learn from your data, and more.

79 – How to choose the RIGHT CPA for Construction with Greg DeSimone

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, Dominic Rubino speaks with recovering CPA Greg DeSimone about what to look for in a CPA, the importance of clear communication, how often you should meet with a CPA, when you need a specialist, considerations for smaller businesses, and more.

124 – Stories! Selling a business with Greg DeSimone

In this episode of the Profit Tool Belt podcast, Dominic Rubino speaks with Greg DeSimone, Managing Director at Beacon Equity Advisors, about selling businesses, expected sale prices, calculating value, hiding earnings, taking emotion out of the equation, recurring revenue, thinking like a buyer, and more.

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